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Recent Updates
08-14 - Fixed a bunch of mobile layout issues on the Cyberpunk 2020 character generator. Should look better on the screen. Still needs work for the mobile experience.
NEW* - Combat Tracker now has PDF export of all the characters are Fast & Dirty layout. You can now print it out and bring it to your game or add to your notes.
NEW* - Added a row on the armor table for the character generator and the combat tracker to all you to add cover SP to the calculation to help with figuring out how much protection you have.
I'm still looking at other improvements and new utilities to add to the site. Till next time gatos.
08-10 - Fixed several bugs with the Cyberpunk 2020 character generator PDF export, weapon data, NR Map (specifically orbitville map), bug with the datafort creator.
The update to the site has been awhile. I am working on a couple of things for the site, new apps. Just need to finish them up.
Till next time gatos.
01-31 - Fixed some bugs with the combat tracker for weapons and skills. Added an option in the random weapon generator to set the quantity to generate. Options should be sticky now.
Till next time gatos.
01-05 - It has been awhile. Real life and my TTRPG has distracted me quite a bit. I'm running 2 games and playing in 2. I think I overburdened myself. But on to this update. I fixed a few bugs throughout the site none more than the ones on the 2020 Combat Tracker.
I have spent a bit of time refactoring/restyling the combat tracker to help improve it for your Cyberpunk 2020 games.
I have include icons instead of text for a combatant's wounds and status (stunned or dead). I like it better than the plan text.
I update the top navigator to tighten it up a bit for better accesibility on mobdile devices.
Speaking of mobile devices, I specifically tried to make the experience better on them; Less scrolling, flyout combatant details, better layout of the fields in the details.
Those Cyberpunk 2020 netrunners I have include the ports and output ports numbers to each of the decks. So now you can keep track of how many options you should be limited to. There is also some small styling changes.
Character generator also had some bug fixes. Filtering on skills with just values now works. Fixed an issuw with gear input boxes.
Till next time gatos.
07-10 - Quick update. I know it has been awhile since my last one and this isn't anything ground breaking. Just doing some small bug fixes to the character generator this time.
Apologies for the long silence. IRL has been sucking up my friend time as I'm in 5 gaming groups now. I wanted to game more but didn't think I would get this much. I run Cyberpunk 2020 and Call of Cthulhu (Masks campaign). I play in a Traveller game, a IU game, and alternate between Battletech and X Wing now. In addition work has been sucking up a lot of time now as well.
If you want to know about my Cyberpunk 2020 game, head over the my World Anvil world. It's a Highrider campaing to free O'Neil 2 from the tyranny of ESA. This has been a lot of work getting this done and keeping the campaign going.
Till next time gatos.
01-21 - Another update to the site:
* Character generator for Cyberpunk 2020 now as location sections for cyberware and gear. You can now organization both sections with locations or however else you want to use that field for.
* Location sections coming with drag/drop between the locations to help move them about.
* Cyberware lookup has changed on the character generator. It is to be more inline with the datalist selectors.
* Fixed a bug with the random cyberware generator to avoid duplicates.
* Fixed a bug with the armor typeahead function not saving the piece of armor.
* improved the vehicle section on the character generator as well with a typeahead lookup and some layout changes.
* improved the cyberdeck/program section on the character generator to have drag and drop programs into the cyberdeck. More work is needed on it.
* Fixed a bug with the combat tracker in which clicking on Is Stunned reset the initiative of the opponent.
Till next time gatos.
12-28 - Not much done other than a few bug fixes and some udpates to the data sheets.
* Changing lookup lists in the Cyberpunk 2020 character generator.
* Add a Cyberpunk 2020 Referee screens/cheat sheets.
Till next time gatos.
11-21 - A few things have been added:
* Add haggling calculator to the Character Generator for Cyberpunk 2020 under the Lifestyle Section of the sheet. This will use rules from Wildside supplement.
* A bunch of other updates to the Character Generator, such as type ahead look up on several input fields, fly out menus instead of pop up dialogs, in settings add/remove sections on the character print out, and more.
Till next time gatos.
10-10 - bug fixes and enhancements to the character generator for 2020:
* Add check box to show just the skills with points in them.
* Armor section allows to either calculate the EV/Cost/Weight of a piece or allow the player to customize the values.
* Bug fix on armor section too, the EV will not count different pieces of armor on different limbs as a different layer for EV. So if you have a left arm piece with SP 20 and a right arm with SP 12, the EV won't see them as differnt layers for stacking purposes.
Again, plugging Wisdom000 and my VOD cast: Tales from the Forlorn Dopes. Check it out live every 1st/3rd Wednesday of the month on Cybernation Uncensored twitch at 7PM EST/12AM GMT/4PM PST or watch them on Cybernation Uncensored's Youtube Channel.
Till next time gatos.
09-25 - Some bug fixes to end the month off:
* Renaming option of blank Language, Exper, Martial Art skill failing.
* Net Arch for CP Red not loading saved json files.
* Generator for Maximum Metal not calculating Stealth Armor and Damage Control spaces/cost correctly.
* Removed auto sorting of siblings in the Charcter Generator for Cyberpunk 2020.
* Fixed IU RT calculation on the Character Generator for Cyberpunk 2020.
09-17 - Another release this month with the following:
* New Contacts section to the Character Generator for Cyberpunk 2020. This includes the Big League and Hot Stuff areas if you have Streetdeal skill and a place to put generic contacts to the sheet.
* Bug fix on Combat Tracker for Cyberpunk 2020. Issues with Armor. Now you can override the set limites on SP as well as edit armor in the tracker instead having to delete the piece and recreate.
* Bug fix on Data List. Numbers weren't filtering properly. Also renamed More Guns to Edge of Sword Conversion. I also fixed some filtering problems there as well.
That's it for this relase. Right now been fleshing out a highrider campaign for 2020. If you like to see my work head over to my World Anvil site. It contains some things from my previous campaing in Night City as well.
09-04 - More goodness to the site. Worked on a few things so far:
* ACPA has custom weapon/component option to add to locations on the ACPA.
* ACPA fixed a bug when removing components/weapons from a location.
* ACPA fixed a bug with notes not being retained after typing.
* ACPA has STR 18 chassis to choose. This is NOT cannon, but was requested.
* ACPA now can create WADs (Working Assistant Droi...*Disney edit* Drones) for you robot/drone lovers. This was a major overhaul of the ACPA code base. But I got it working.
* ACPA Generator you can load stock designs using the Search button. These includes most of the designs from the various sourcebooks.
Again, coming join my Discord server. I welcome feedback and chat on Cyberpunk related topics. The link is in the menu above.
Tales from the Forlorn Dopes pod/vod cast is going on. Wisdom 000 and I over on Cybernation Uncensored twitch channel every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. We start around 19:00 EST/18:00 CST/16:00 PST/00:00 GMT (which actually Thursday for those across the pond). We ramble on about Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk Red, Cyberpunk 2077 and other Cyberpunk genre media like movies, TV servies, comics, anime, etc. Come join us. You can see old episodes on Cybernation Uncensored's Youtube Channel.
Till next time gatos.
08-28 - A couple of fixes made to the site this time.
* Fixed a bug with random armor not setting all the locations properly on the combat tracker and character generator for Cyberpunk 2020
* Add program details to the Datafort Designer for Cyberpunk 2020 so that you don't need to fill them out after you randomly generate a fort.
* Add Drag/Drop funcationality to the Datafort Designer, so now you can drag the icons around and place them where you need to. There are still some glitches with it, but I would say it falls within the 90/10 rule of functionality.
08-17 - Not much going on with the site. Been concentrating on creating a Deep Space campaign centered around the O'Neil Two reovlt during the 4th Corporate war. That is an on going process as I flesh out the fluff in space.
Here's a list of things I've done to the site so far this month:
* Fixed a nasty bug in the NET Architect Generator for Cyberpunk Red. Switching a node type was deleting the parent nodes.
* Fixed issues with editing and adding skills in Character Generator for Cyberpunk 2020. Should be a bit better on creating new skills.
* Add a new blueprint for a biotech research facility I used in my last campaign. Could still use some work, but quite detailed for a referee's needs.
* Add a revision of the orbital map from Deep Space pg 7. Had some feedback on making a bit more accurate.
* Also I wrote a short story about one of my characters/NPCs, A Night to Remember. You can download under DLow section and take a read. Hope you enjoy it. Special thanks to my wife, the super editor.
Coming join my Discord server. I welcome feedback and chat on Cyberpunk related topics. Please join. The link is in the menu.
Also check out The Tales from the Forlorn Dopes over on Cybernation Uncensored twitch. The schedule of every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 19:00 EST/18:00 CST/16:00 PST/00:00 GMT (which actually Thursday for those across the pond). Wisdom 000 from Datafortress 2020 and myself ramble on about Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk Red, Cyberpunk 2077 and other Cyberpunk genre media like movies, TV servies, comics, anime, etc. Please check us out. You can see old episodes on Cybernation Uncensored's Youtube Channel. Really would appreacite likes and comments to the vids so both Wisdom 000 and I know we have at least some fans out there :)
See ya next month for more cyber goodness.
07-24 - More new things and fixes added to the site:
* Gang Generator for Cyberpunk 2020/Cyberpunk Red. This utility will create gangs using Ocelot's gang generation system from back in the day. A shout out to Ocelot for allowing me to get this built. The utlity will also generate a gang name as well. You can save the results as a PDF as well.
* Character Generator Cyberpunk 2020 add the Quick Netrunner Rules Program Modifier caculation if you use those rules.
* Character Generator Cyberpunk 2020 fixed a bug with Cyberdeck in which you couldn't update the deck stats.
* Character Generator Cyberpunk 2020 fixed a bug where apply damage to a cyberlimb location wasn't marking off sdp but wounds.
* Character Generator Cyberpunk 2020 fixed a bug with LifeStyle groceries not being cached and getting lost.
* Character Generator Cyberpunk 2020 added the functionality to add more utilities to housing.
* Character Generator Cyberpunk 2020 cleaned up lifestyle housing and added functionality to set custom rent/mortgage cost.
Progress is still being made on the Character Generator for Cyberpunk Red.
I am getting great feedback from eveyone on the Cybersmily's Datafort Discord. I appreciate those of you providing me with bugs and ideas for the site. Please join by clicking the Discord icon in the menu bar.
"Please check out The Tales from the Forlorn Dopes over on Cybernation Uncensored twitch. The schedule of every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 19:00 EST/18:00 CST/16:00 PST/00:00 GMT(which actually Thursday for those across the pond). Wisdom000 from Datafortress 2020 and myself ramble on about Cyberpunk 2020, Red, and other Cyberpunk genre media. Please check us out. You can see old episodes on Cybernation Uncensored's Youtube Channel
Till next time.
07-17 - The updates keep coming. This month we have bug fixes and some new stuff
* Master Vehicle List is now live. This contains all the RTG vehicles that are cannon with Cyberpunk 2020. Some of the attributes are blank as per the source. I am still debating on whether to keep them that way or update them to be more inline with Max Metal stats. Thanks to Ikarius over on Discord for helping with this.
* Character Generator Roles sections has been reworked, specifically on the skills. I remove the hard limit of selectable skills, change it to free for text box but will a hint displaying the skill that should be there as well as a type ahead search for adding skills.
* Speaking of skills, the list has been update to be more inline with some other sources and removed redundancies. Thanks to Tekquest for assisting in the clean up.
* Character Generator for Cyberpunk 2020 also has improved the notes section. There were issues with performance when typing in that section, hopefully you will see some improvements there.
* Updated some of the Max Metal metadata in the Max Metal Calculator. Added Cyberwalk type and updated some of the source pages on equipment.
* Fixed a bug in the ACPA Generator for the PDF where internal slots were duplicated to the external ones.
* Added a few new Peeps that were NPCs in my game.
I am still working on the Character Generator for Cyberpunk Red. I am making progress, slow, but some. It will be coming and just takes time to get things the way I want them. I am enjoying all the feedback I am getting on the Cybersmily's Datafort Discord. There has been some great things coming from the community. It is helping me and this site a lot to hear it all. If you are interested, please click the Discord icon in the menu bar.
Please check out The Tales from the Forlorn Dopes over on Cybernation Uncensored twitch. The schedule of every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 19:00 EST/18:00 CST/16:00 PST/00:00 GMT(which actually Thursday for those across the pond). Wisdom000 from Datafortress 2020 and myself ramble on about Cyberpunk 2020, Red, and other Cyberpunk genre media. Please check us out. You can see old episodes on Cybernation Uncensored's Youtube Channel
Till next time.